“God Bless You;” “You’re Special;” “Prayers for You;” The students of St. Bernadette school filled hundreds of lunch bags, decorated with these messages and colorful pictures, to be given to the less fortunate members of our community. Lunches consisted of a drink, sandwich crackers, fruit cups and other non-perishable snacks. The bags were delivered to the Life Center of Eastern Pennsylvania, the Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, and St. Bernadette’s Food Pantry.
The Service Project was a school-wide effort in conjunction with Catholic Schools Week. Each family was asked to donate a specific item, based on grade. Parent volunteers organized the donation and set up an assembly line so that students could easily fill the bags they had personally decorated.
In this weather, it is extremely important to provide such items, according to Director of the Life Center, James Shelton. There were about 20 people sleeping in the shelter the day the bags were delivered, and more than usual coming in for provisions. “The lunches were gone in an hour,” he said. “Bless all of you who take the time to make these lunches and bring them here.”
St. Bernadette School is dedicated to providing a quality Catholic Education for grades PreK through 8th grade.