Every student must carry his/her books to and from school in a suitable book bag. All books must be covered, with the exception of copybooks. Please cover workbooks with Contact Paper and textbooks with paper covers or "book sox." All covers must be neat and clean and free from inappropriate material. Books, copy books, and materials are to be properly identified with a child’s name and grade. The student and parents/guardians must pay for all lost or damaged books in full.
Students are expected to take care of their personal belongings, their books and their clothing. They are also asked to help care for the school buildings and the adjoining property. Any malicious damage will necessitate compensation. Damage to neighborhood property on the way to and from school reflects on both school and home training.
Please label personal items: school jackets, sweatshirts, lunch boxes, gym clothes etc. with name tapes or another form of identification and help your children learn to exercise responsible concern for all their possessions and those of the school.