Update for the Week of January 19, 2025
Last week we learned about Dr. Martin Luther King. We discussed how he worked peacefully to change laws so that all people would be treated equally. We made colorful peace signs to decorate our classroom.
Go Eagles!!!
A homework packet will be sent home on Tuesday.
Reading with Your Child:
An information sheet will be sent home on Tuesday.
Upcoming Events:
Tue, January 21st Change Week Begins
Send in any loose change you have laying around
The class that brings in the most change will win a pizza party
Sun, January 26th Catholic Schools Week Begins
Refer to Mrs. McElhenny’s update for details
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back. Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
This week in….
Fundations we will practice “tapping out” and blending CVC (three letter) words and continue learning the formation of uppercase letters.
ELA we will read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question, How do living things change as they grow?, practice reading our High Frequency word “are” and discuss the topic and details in the text.
Math we will begin learning to compose and decompose numbers to 10.
Religion we will learn about the parable of the Good Shepherd in our chapter, Shepherds Are Good.
Update for the Week of January 12, 2025
We celebrated the Feast of St Leonie Aviat last week and the children learned about the wonderful miracle she is associated with here at St Bernadette’s Parish. We are truly blessed to have been touched by such a special event.
A homework packet will be sent home on Monday.
Upcoming Events:
Mon, January 20th No School - MLK Day
Tue, January 21st Change Week Begins
Send in any loose change you have laying around
The class that brings in the most change will win a pizza party
Sun, January 26th Catholic Schools Week Begins
More info to follow
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back. Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
This week in….
Fundations we will practice “tapping out” and blending CVC (three letter) words and begin formation of uppercase letters.
ELA we will read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question, What do living things need to grow?, practice reading our High Frequency word “my” and practice identifying story characters and setting.
Math we will practice counting to 50 and 100 by 1’s and 10’s.
Religion we will talk about how Mary said “yes” to God in our Chapter, Choosing Is Good.
Update for the Week of January 5th, 2025
No School tomorrow, Monday January 6th, due to the weather!
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and we are looking forward to a Happy, Healthy New Year!!! The students will write about and share what they hope the New Year will bring for them. We will also have a Christmas Gift Show N Tell on Friday!
Christmas Show and Tell:
Friday, January 10th
The children may bring in one special gift they received for Christmas to share with the class. They should be prepared to talk about the gift, who gave it to them, why it's their favorite, etc.
Please no LIVE gifts and it should be something your child can carry and handle themselves.
Upcoming Events:
Mon, January 20th No School - MLK Day
Tue, January 21st Change Week Begins
Send in any loose change you have laying around
The class that brings in the most change will win a pizza party
Sun, January 26th Catholic Schools Week Begins
More info to follow
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back. Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
This week in….
Fundations we will begin “tapping out” and blending CVC (three letter) words.
ELA we will read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question, Who are your neighbors?, practice reading our High Frequency word “do” and identify story characters and setting.
Math we will practice counting to 50 and 100 by 1’s and 10’s.
Religion we will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany and learn about the Magi.
Update for the Week of December 8, 2024
Last week the Kindergarten classes attended First Friday Mass. We are so very proud of how well behaved and reverent they were! Also, Friday was the Feast Day of
St. Nicholas. The attached pictures capture the excitement of his visit.
Conferences will be held in the classroom.
Please use the link below to sign up for a conference slot. The students are off on Fri, Dec 13th and slots are available throughout the school day.
We look forward to meeting with you during your scheduled conference time this week!
Christmas Show:
Parents and family members are invited to come enjoy our version of the Christmas Story. Please be seated in O’Brien Hall by 10:00.
The children will come to school at our regular 7:50am start time and will be brought to O'Brien Hall at 10:00. The children should be dressed in “Christmas casual” clothing. Please let us know in advance if your child will be leaving with you after the show so we may plan accordingly.
Upcoming Events:
Fri, Dec 13th No School - Conferences
Mon, Dec 16th Christmas Show - 10:00 O'Brien Hall
Thur, Dec 19th Pajama/Movie Day - children wear pajamas and sneakers
Fri, Dec 20th 11:55 Dismissal - Christmas Vacation begins
Mon, Jan 6th Classes Resume
The Homework is due on Thursday of this week. Also, please help your child practice their lines for the Christmas Show.
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back. Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
This week in….
Fundations we will learn the sound and letter formation for x and y.
ELA we will read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question, What do people use to do their jobs?, practice reading our High Frequency word “you” and learn how details in pictures and words give information about a topic.
Math we will continue our chapter on numbers from 11 to 20.
Religion we will discuss things we do during Advent to prepare for Jesus’ birth.
Update for the Week of November 24, 2024
Last week we talked about how thinking of what we are grateful for can be a way to cheer us up when we are feeling sad! We will discuss and write about things we are thankful for this week.
Upcoming Events:
Weds, Nov 27th 11:55 Dismissal
Thurs, Nov 28th Happy Thanksgiving
Fri, Nov 29th No School
Fri, Dec 13th No School - Conferences
- you will receive a Sign Up Genius Link on Dec 1st to
schedule your conference
Mon, Dec 16th Christmas Show - 10:00 O'Brien Hall (more info to come)
Thurs, Dec 19th Pajama/Movie Day - children wear pajamas and sneakers
Fri, Dec 20th 11:55 Dismissal - Christmas Vacation begins
Mon, Jan 6th Classes Resume
Instead of the Homework packet, you will receive a small green paper with the line your child will be reciting in our Christmas Show. Please practice with your child.
Also, please continue to review the report card skills below:
full name
birthday (month and date)
phone number
These skills will be assessed orally.
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back. Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
This week in….
We have lots of fun activities planned to celebrate Thanksgiving!!!!!
Update for the Week of November 17, 2024
Last week we learned about Veterans and the jobs they do to serve our country. For World Kindness Day we discussed how acts of kindness make us and those around us happy.
Scholastic Books:
Family Order Due Date: 11/22/2024
Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/WN6KQ
Shop Flyers: https://clubs.scholastic.com/all-flyers
Please return the Homework Menu to school by Friday, Nov 22nd. In addition to the Homework Menu please practice the skills that we will be assessing for our first report card in December. The children will asked to identify:
full name
birthday (month and date)
phone number
These skills will be assessed orally.
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back. Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
Upcoming Events:
Fri, Nov 22nd Scholastic Book online orders due
Weds, Nov 27th 11:55 Dismissal
Thurs, Nov 28th Happy Thanksgiving
Fri, Nov 29th No School
This week in….
Fundations we will learn the sound and letter formation for l, h and k.
ELA we will read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question, What are the different sounds we hear?, practice reading our High Frequency word “and” and discuss the connection between the illustrations and the words of a story.
Math we will identify ordinal numbers to 10.
Religion we will discuss gratitude in our Chapter, Thanking is Good.
Update for the Week of November 10, 2024
Last week we had an exciting visit from the Upper Darby Firefighters. We learned fire safety rules and got to explore a fire truck. Make sure to check out some pics on Class Dojo. We’ve also started getting ready for Thanksgiving by making adorable paper plate turkeys.
High Frequency Words:
A list of the High Frequency Words will come home this week. Please review these words with your child a few times a week. You will receive additional lists as we learn more words.
Scholastic Books:
Family Order Due Date: 11/22/2024
Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/WN6KQ
Shop Flyers: https://clubs.scholastic.com/all-flyers
Please return the Homework Menu to school by Friday, Nov 15th. In addition to the Homework Menu please practice the skills that we will be assessing for our first report card in December. The children will asked to identify:
full name
birthday (month and date)
phone number
These skills will be assessed orally.
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back. Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
Upcoming Events:
Tues, Nov 12th Fall Pictures - an email was sent
Fri, Nov 22nd Scholastic Book online orders due
Weds, Nov 27th 11:55 Dismissal
Thurs, Nov 28th Happy Thanksgiving
Fri, Nov 29th No School
This week in….
Fundations we will learn the sound and letter formation for j and p.
ELA we will read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question, What rules do we follow in different places?, practice reading our High Frequency word “to” and discuss the details in stories that help us learn about the characters.
Math we will identify ordinal numbers to 10.
Religion we will discuss ways to pray in our Chapter, Talking to God is Good.
Update for the Week of November 3, 2024
Last week we celebrated Halloween with many fun activities like pumpkin carving, a Costume Parade and lots of treats at our classroom party. Thank you to all who were able to come to our parade and to the Homeroom Parents for organizing the treats.
The children will visit the library to look through a book but will not be taking a book home until the library is fully set up.
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back.
Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
Upcoming Events:
Tues., Nov 12th Fall Pictures (more info to come)
Weds., Nov 27th 11:55 Dismissal
Thurs., Nov 28th Happy Thanksgiving
Fri., Nov 29th No School
You will receive a Homework Menu with detailed instructions on Mon, Nov 4th. Please return the Homework packet by Friday, Nov 8th. In addition to the Homework packet please practice the skills that we will be assessing for our first report card in December. The children will asked to identify:
full name
birthday (month and date)
phone number
These skills will be assessed orally.
This week in….
Fundations we will learn the sound and letter formation for e and r.
ELA we will read literature selections that will answer our Essential Ques: What shapes do you see around you?, and practice reading our High Frequency word “like”.
Math we will continue with our Chapter on numbers from 6 to 10.
Religion we will have our Safe Environment Lesson. Please let the office know by Monday, Nov 4th if you want to opt out of this lesson.
Update for the Week of October 20, 2024
Last week we learned how we use our five senses to explore the world around us. In religion we discussed ways to take care of our world and all God created.
The children will visit the library to look through a book but will not be taking a book home until the library is fully set up.
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back.
Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Parade 8:45- 9:00
Friday, November 1st - No School - All Saints Day
This week in….
Fundations we will learn the sound and letter formation for a and g.
ELA we will learn our new High Frequency Word “a” and read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question “How do tools help us to explore?”.
Math we will begin our Chapter on numbers from 6 to 10.
Religion we will learn how we grow closer to God in quiet moments.
Update for the Week of October 13th, 2024
Last week we began practicing songs for our Halloween Parade! We listened to the story, Where’s My Mummy? and made a mummy craft. We also made Jack-O-Lanterns to hang in the classroom. It’s beginning to look a lot like Halloween in KB!
Library for KB will begin next Friday, October 25th. On this day your child will bring home a book of their choice from our school library. It must be returned by the following Friday in order to be able to take out another book.
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back.
Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
Upcoming Events:
Monday, October 14th - No School
Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Parade 8:45- 9:00 - we open with a few songs and then parade to the front doors, we will be posting more information but wanted you to save the date and time
This week in….
Fundations we will learn the sound and letter formation for c and o.
ELA we will learn our new High Frequency Word “see” and read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question “How can your senses help you learn?”.
Math we will review writing, counting and comparing numbers to 5.
Religion we will learn how we can care for all of God’s creation.
Update for the Week of October 7th, 2024
Go Phillies!!!!
Last week we participated in The Living Rosary. Some of the upper grade students formed the rosary around us and all the other school students as we prayed together. We also watched First Friday Mass online.
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back.
Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
Scholastic Book Club:
Last day to place an order for this month is Friday, October 11th!
Upcoming Events:
Monday, October 14th - No School
Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Parade 8:45- 9:00 - we open with a few songs and then parade to the front doors, we will be posting more information but wanted you to save the date and time
This week in….
Fundations we will practice the proper way to hold our pencil and learn the sound and letter formation for i and u.
ELA we will learn our new High Frequency Word “we” and read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question “How do baby animals get around?”.
Math we will continue to work with numbers to 5, identifying one more and drawing a diagram to problem solve.
Religion we will celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assisi and attend Adoration.
Update for the Week of September 29, 2024
We enjoyed welcoming the season of fall by learning about Johnny Appleseed, making apple prints and mosaic apples.
We are a peanut and tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back.
Please send in a note when your child returns, indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
Upcoming Events
Scholastic Book Club
A catalog will come home this week…if you are interested in purchasing any books just use the QR code to complete your order.
Keep in mind the more books ordered the more fun stuff we can get for our classroom!!!
This week in….
Fundations we will practice the proper way to hold our pencil and learn the sound and letter formation for n and m.
ELA we will learn our new High Frequency Word “the” and read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question “How can we get along with new friends?”.
Math we will compare numbers and identify groups that are greater than, less than and equal to.
Religion we will celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angel and learn what happens during Mass. On Friday we will watch Mass on the Smartboard and we will attend the Living Rosary with the rest of the school.
This week we discussed the season of Fall and look forward to some fun activities to celebrate its arrival!
We are a peanut/tree nut free classroom. Please refer to the Safe Foods list when sending in snacks and lunches. Thank you for helping keep our classroom safe!
As the weather gets cooler please remember to label all St Bernadette sweatshirts and ¼ zip pullovers as they all look alike and get mixed up easily.
Please remember to check your child’s folder daily and remove all worksheets sent home. Thank you for your cooperation!
If your child is out sick or away on a family trip, any work they missed will be sent home the day they return. This is just to keep you up to date on what we're working on, it does not need to be sent back.
Please send in a note indicating the date(s) and reason for the absence.
Upcoming Events
Fri., Sept. 27th - Home and School Go Gold Day for Childhood Cancer - send in $1.00 to dress down in a gold or yellow shirt and an additional $1 to purchase lemonade
This week in….
Fundations we will practice the proper way to hold our pencil and learn the sound and letter formation for b and f.
ELA we will learn our new High Frequency Word “can” and read literature selections that will answer our Essential Question “Who is in your family?”.
Math we will learn to write numbers 4 and 5 and learn to identify quantities that are equal to.
Religion we will learn that the stories in the Bible teach us about God’s love.
Update for the Week of Sept. 1, 2024
I am so excited to have the children come and explore our classroom on Tuesday! We are going to have a wonderful year!
If you were unable to attend Back to School Night your Information Folder will be available on Preview Day.
Wednesday is a half day for kindergarten.
Please send in a full water bottle. Snack will be provided by the teachers as a treat!
We will dismiss at 11:55 from the parking lot door but you must park on the street as the rest of school is in full session. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thursday and Friday are full days.
Please provide a nut free snack and lunch along with a full water bottle. We have water filling stations to replenish water bottles as needed.
Nut Free Classroom:
We are a nut free classroom. No foods containing peanuts and/or tree nuts or traces of peanuts and/or tree nuts are permitted for snack or lunch.
Refer to the Safe Foods Snack List in the Information Folder and please read all labels to be sure the food is completely nut free before sending it in. Sunbutter, which is made from sunflower seeds, is an alternative to peanut butter and is permitted.
Thank you for helping to keep our classroom safe!
If you haven’t done so please accept the invitation to join ClassDojo. Please reach out if you have any questions or problems joining.
Gym - Mrs. Julie McFalls - Monday - students wear gym uniforms to school
STREAM - Mrs. Maria Piel - Monday
Art - Mrs. Julie McFalls - Tuesday - send an oversized T-shirt to stay at school for a smock
Music - Mrs. Peri Berman - Wednesday
Computers - Mrs. Marybeth Gellar - Thursday
Library - Mrs. Hyde/Volunteer Assistant - TBD
Homeroom Parent Request:
A sign-up sheet will be available on Preview Day if any one is interested in being a parent homeroom representative.
Thank you!
Michele Hyde