Dear Families,
Welcome to St. Bernadette Preschool Program! Our Pre-K friends can look forward to a wonderful year of fun-filled skill-development activities, imaginative play, making new friends, and exploring our faith and the beauty of God’s world together.
Early Childhood Education should be a journey, not a race. On this journey, children travel at a different pace according to their individual development, background of experience and needs. Early Childhood education assists in the development of the total person-spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually. Therefore, Early Childhood educational experiences should provide opportunity for unifying all aspects of children’s lives.
Here are the key areas we emphasize:
Spiritual Formation: Introducing children to Catholic teachings, prayer, and God’s love, helping them develop a lifelong relationship with Christ.
Social and Emotional Development: Building compassion, confidence, and meaningful friendships in a caring community.
Cognitive Growth: Encouraging curiosity, problem-solving, and critical thinking through play-based learning.
Physical Development: Supporting fine and gross motor skills through creative activities and active play.
Language and Communication: Expanding vocabulary and self-expression through stories, songs, and activities, including Bible stories and prayers.
We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children in faith and life. At St. Bernadette School, we work in partnership with you to cultivate a strong spiritual and academic foundation that will guide your child throughout their life.
Arrival Plan for Pre-K
The Pre-K school day begins at 8:30 AM for both half-day and full-day students.Parents or caregivers will pull into the school parking lot off of Bond Avenue and drive toward the Harper Avenue doors, located at the corner of the school. Please use a lane to park your car and walk your child to their designated line where a teacher or assistant will greet you. Please remain with them until a teacher or assistant can safely escort them inside.
If you are running late, please go to the main office door.
11:30 A.M dismissal for half day PreK-3 students at the Turner Ave. doors (near office.)2:30 P.M. dismissal for all full day PreK students. This dismissal will follow a different pattern than arrival. Pull into the school lot and pull all the way up to the gym building(use the first 3 lanes) Walk to your child's class and wait for your child to be dismissed. Please have your child’s name sign ready.
Please be patient and always watch for other children and cars in the parking lot. Hold your child’s hand while walking back to your car. Weather permitting, we will be outside with your child. If we have inclement weather, please come to the door to pick up your child. Wait for the direction of the teacher/staff to exit lot in order to keep everyone safe.
Please check the school website for updates; Important information is given and should be read every week. Your teacher will have a summary of the class activities and books we read for the week and upcoming details.Everyday your child will bring a folder home with their work, papers from the teachers, crafts, and other information. Please review and remove papers each night and return the folders in their backpacks.
DISMISSAL/PICK UP POLICY - Please inform your teacher in a note or email if someone else will be picking your child up from school. The teachers need to be made aware of any changes. This is very important!
If your child will be absent from school, please notify the office (610-449-5184) and your teacher by email or Class Dojo. When your child is feeling better, please send a note or email for the absence. Please contact your teacher, if you have any questions/concerns. If you plan to travel any time throughout the school year, please inform your teacher.
Please be mindful of your child and the other children in the class and keep your child home if he/she is ill. If your child does become sick, our school policy states that a child must be symptom free without medication for 24 hours before he/she may return to school. At these tender ages it is so important for us to protect these little ones. We are confident that working together we can keep our learning environment safe and healthy for all.
Please check your classroom supply list.
You may bring supplies with you to the open house or Preview Day, if possible.
$20 activity cash fee- please send into school on Preview Day or first week of school.
Please send a change of non-seasonal clothes including socks in a labeled Ziploc gallon bag in case of any accidents. Children should be proficient in all aspects of using the bathrooms. We will not be in the bathroom with your child. We are not able to wipe your child after he/she uses the bathroom, except in an emergency situation.
Please send your child in comfortable play clothes and shoes. Please no belts! Flip flops are hard for play and running! Sandals and Crocs are permitted in warm weather. Sneakers are best.
Provide a nutritious snack for your child with a drink. They are small so they usually don’t need too many choices. Pretzels may be ordered through the school. (2-3 snacks and drinks; water bottles are a great idea!) Please provide utensils or napkins if needed.
Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep to help with brain function and health.
It is a special time to read to your child. Spend five to ten minutes reading a good book and enjoy the cuddle time.
Full day students have an option of buying lunch through our school hot lunch program. It will be delivered to our building. Lunch needs to be ordered monthly, not daily. Check the school website.
Full day students will have a quiet/rest time each day. Rest mats & bags will be provided for purchase (Bag $10 and Mat $20) Please note, if your child’s mat is damaged during the year, the mat must be replaced for safety reasons. Please make checks payable to St. Bernadette school. Rest items may include; towel, blanket, pillow, sleep friend, book. (Please label items in the rest-bag.)
We would like your child to feel special on or near his/her birthday. If you would like to send a special treat for the class to share, inform your teacher. Summer birthdays will be celebrated in May. Please let your teacher know of any allergies. This is very important.
We are looking forward to interacting with each child. They will bring so much joy to our lives as they have with yours. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Preview Day for Pre-K will be held during the opening week of school in September. You will be notified by email of the date and time of your child's visit.
The visit will be arranged in small groups to provide the opportunity for students and parents to meet the teacher(s) and become familiar with the environment. Pre-school classes begin the following week.
Back to School Night
At least one parent is expected to attend. Important details about the school year will be discussed. Please do not bring your child to Back to School Night. The Pre-K children will have their opportunity to visit the classrooms on his or her designated Preview Day in September.
PREVIEW DAY will be a fun and friendly introduction to our classrooms and teachers. One parent or adult caregiver is expected to attend with their child. Your child’s scheduled Preview date and time appears on your child’s “Meet the Teacher” Letter. Please email the teacher if there is a conflict with the scheduled date.
Your child will be invited to attend a very special Play Day. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to become more familiar with our school setting and get to know his or her classmates. Parents and caretakers should follow arrival and dismissal procedures.
This is a special day for children only.
Mini Conferences will take place in October to discuss how your child is adapting to the classroom and engaging with students and activities.
In person conferences will be held in February. PreK children will also receive their first Progress Report. You are encouraged to contact your child's teacher to arrange an appointment any time a problem should arise during the school year.
Below is a list of necessary document that MUST be upload to TADS website at time of enrollment
Below is a list of necessary documents that MUST be sent to your child’s teacher before the first official day. You may wish to bring these documents on Back to School Night, Preview Day, or Play day.